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Friday, October 15, 2010

National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day

Today is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day.  We all light a candle at 7pm our time in remembrance of those babies lost.

Our candle lit.
This is a very sensitive subject for me.  I have several friends that have lost babies in both ways.  Where I can not begin to imagine the sadness and lost they or any parents as felt losing a baby I do know how it feels to do everything you possibly can to try for a baby.  Each month that you try you feel as though you "lost" that baby for that month.  No it wasn't a true baby yet but it was that chance at a baby.  And that chance is now gone.  While waiting in the waiting room at my fertility specialist office I was reading a magazine for parents with infertility and an article written by a doctor that had done studies described a parent dealing with infertility as suffering from the same emotions as those parents that had lost a baby.  So where I have never knowingly 100% for sure lost a baby I light this candle in remembrance of all the babies that could have been for us. 

I urge you to light your own candle, even if it is after 7pm because I know I am late posting this.  And when you light that candle pray for all of the babies, parents, and families of babies that have been lost.  One's that were lost before they came to this world, one's that were only here a short time, and one's that could have been for parents suffering with infertility.


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