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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rite Aid

Today was a day of shopping and money saving!!  Target, Wal-Mart and Rite Aid.  I am so proud of my Rite Aid trip.  Here is what I got:

4 Boxes of Pot of Gold candy
2 bags of Hershey's Kisses
1 bag Mars Ast Minis
2 bags Reese's Minis
2 bags Hershey's Minis
3 bags Snicker's Minis
2 tubes of Colgate toothpaste
8 Wet and Wild nail polishes
1 Tide
1 Shave Gel
1 Liners

My total before coupons was $68.13.  That was with sale prices.  I saved $19.50 in coupons and then got $26.00 back in + up rewards to spend next time.  So I spent $22.63 and saved a total of $45.50.  Not 
bad if I do say so myself!! 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rite Aid

This was my trip to Walgreen's today

6 stocking stuffer size Snickers and a candy cane for $.58  They had the candy on sale 3/$1 and I had a coupon for $2/3.  I had to get 6 in order to make it the $2 limit but they gave me the chance to get more!!  I only had to pay $.58 for the candy cane!

Tomorrow I am making my first trip to Rite Aid for a true shopping trip.  I have been going through all of my coupons and ad papers tonight and making my list.  It will not normally take this long but I am redoing my binder and had not clipped any coupons for a few weeks so that is taking a while.  I was happy to read another lady say when she first started it would take her a while to do this but now it takes her no time on a Sunday to make her list.  I am so excited about this.  I ordered my book today.  I could have gotten it at B&N but I like to shop local when I can.  I will be sure to post about how my trip tomorrow goes.  My goal is going to be to save at least 50% this time.  Once I get good I will go for 75%!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Free Free Free!!!

I will be the first to tell you I am all about some free stuff!  And I have been getting lots free lately.  Today we went to a free Snacks with Santa.  Tempe's school readiness program puts it on every year.  Local businesses set up at the fair grounds with crafts for the kids to do.  She got to make all kinds of ornaments and then had cookies and juice for snack.

Then we went to a donations only brunch with Santa that is put on by my MOPS group.  That was a lot of fun and Tempe sat on Santa's lap!

The next thing I am excited about is that I have gotten some stocking stuffers for free!!  Rite Aid had the men's Gillette gift pack that includes a battery powered razor, shave gel, face scrub, and lotion on sale for $9.  I had a P&G coupon for $4 off and then Rite Aid also gave you $5 + rewards.  So in the long run it was FREE!!

I told you I was going to get into couponing!  Just wait until you see what is up my sleeve soon.  It is a total mind set that you have to train yourself to do but it is well worth it once you do!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Hi there!!!  I have been a way for a little while.  Sadly Tempe and I have both been sick.  We have only been doing things that we needed to do.  But thank God we are both on the mends and feeling better.  We have been able to do a few fun things here and there between the sickness.  Like her first birthday!  I am going to do another post tomorrow about that.  We also saw Santa,

and we also went on the Jingle Bell Express,

and I have to admit I am getting into some coupon shopping.  I know that I have always done it but I found a new book that I will share after I read and from what I read in reviews I am going full force come Jan. 1!  Just look at all of this I got for $2.75 including tax at Rite Aid!!!

I am not going to tell much until after I get things all settled with the book and everything.  I don't want to give misleading info but I will say this I am SUPER excited!!!  I am also excited about Christmas this year.  I was just now able to get the tree up because of the sickness but as I sit here now by the glow of it's lights I can't help but think of the true reason we celebrate this season.  I am looking forward to sharing all of our exciting happenings for this month now that we are all getting better.