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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Everything Happens For a Reason

This morning I attended my MOPS meeting.  Not only do we have fun play dates, MNO (mom's night out), and great friendships but we have some awesome guest speakers. 

Some of the great food we have at our meetings!

Today's guest speaker, Jennifer, was from our local pregnancy center.  She told a lot about what she does and the center is there for but more than that her testimony was very moving.  She had found herself a pregnant teen within a Christian home. She told us how difficult that was for her and she had turned to this center for help.  She wonderfuly chose to keep her baby and 20 years later found herself in her parents position when her daughter got pregnant out of wedlock and by what she called "a real loser".  She had returned to the pregnancy center years later and became an employee there.  She has been able to use her experience to help other young mothers that come into the center for help.  I can not tell her story near as well as she does and this is not nearly all she told us but there was not a dry eye in the place, including hers.  She was a very good Christian woman and was telling us how we may not see why things happen but they all happen for a reason and that God will give us the opportunity to use our experiences to help others.  As she had first as a teen mother with her own daughter and then as a mother to a pregnant teen mom.  This was a very moving testimony for many of us within the group.  Just one of the stories she told us was of a young college girl that came in pregnant.  She had been to another pregnancy center and they had not given her any information other than that she was 13 weeks pregnant.  Jennifer took the time to councel her.  The young girl wanted an abortion and had not even been told that was not an option this far along, she would have to birth the baby.  They had done any ultrasound but not shown her the baby.  Jennifer took her to the doctor's office the center uses and let her have another ultrasound and see the baby.  The girl later gave birth to a little boy that she is now raising and will be returning to college soon.  Because Jennifer took the time this other center did not to counsel and help this young woman she was able to keep her baby and the baby will grow up with his mother.  ALL of our experiences can help others even when we don't think so, good or bad.  God has a great plan for each of us. 

Our wonderful speaker.

Our group of lovely ladies!


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