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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Outlet Covers

I had to put outlet covers on today!  Tempe is not crawling just yet but she rolled over to an outlet today and put her fingers up to it.  I sat and watched her just to see if she would go all the way to it or move to something else and she went right to it. 

Outlet Covers

She is also getting into paper!  It doesn't matter where she is or how many toys are in front of her she will roll to where there is paper.  She even rolled to the tissue box and pulled the tissues out.  She likes to chew on it.  I asked her teacher and she said as long as she doesn't eat it and it isn't newspaper she will be OK.  I guess I better get ready because I think I am getting ready to have my hands full!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Baby Wise

I am always being asked how and why Tempe is such a good baby.  I would like to be able to say it is all because I was born to be a mother and it comes naturally to me but that isn't always the case.  I was lucky enough to have her doctor recommend the Baby Wise books to me and they are wonderful!!!  What is "baby wise"?  The first book focuses on an eat/wake/sleep schedule for a baby.  It encourages you to keep a structured environment for your infant.  But not so much so that you are letting them cry because it isn't 5:00pm on the dot and they cant eat until 5:00.  Tempe is on a 3 hour schedule of she wakes up and eats at 8:30am and then plays until between 10:00 and 10:30 then goes down for a nap until 11:30 and gets up and eats again.  She keeps this all day.  The good thing is that she knows what to expect and so do I.  As a new mom I found it hard for me to know if she was wet, hungry, sleepy or why else she was crying.  She rarely cries when put down for a nap and has slept for the whole night from the time she was around 2 months old.  The second book focuses on introducing foods and other things.  We have just started with this.  What I like about the books is that they focus on not just the baby but the family as a whole.  The importance of manners, prayers, and family time.  It states that your world doesn't center around the baby but the baby is a new addition to your world.  It talks about making sure mom and dad keep a relationship like they had before the baby in that they have time with each other and that the baby knows this and knows that that is mommy daddy time to talk to each other.  This is just the tip of the iceberg but I strongly recommend these books to anyone with young children.  Tempe is a baby wise baby and a great baby because of it!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Testing new signature!

We didnt do too much today.  Tempe stayed with Nanny while Maw Maw went with me to Clemmons.  Then we just came home and rested.  Tempe is however doing something new.  She is doing the Mowgli walk!  It is so funny!  I cant get a picture of her doing it but here is a picture of Mowgli so you can see what she is doing.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mrs. Leslie came to see Tempe today!  I am still so excited to have her in this program.  It is such a wonderful one and I look forward to her coming and sharing information each month.  It is so amazing how much we know about babies and the way they learn.  Her activities are always developmentally appropriate and fun!  This month we will be playing a lot of "peek a boo"!  She is learning that when mommy leaves the room that I am still here I just am not in sight.  This game helps with that.  Mrs. Leslie showed me how to make Tempe peek a boo cards to play with so I will be working on those tonight!  Here is a great article on it.

We also picked up Temperance's christening portraits and they look great!  I cant wait to show them off after her Christening!

How does your garden grow?  After supper tonight we planted tomato's and squash thanks to Poppy.  We hope to plant a real garden this weekend!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today was a busy day! This morning we went and met with our minister to go over Christening details and then Tempe got her first taste of carrots for lunch. She wasn't sure of them at first but then loved them!
Temperance and her carrots!  Yummy!

We played for a while and then went to see Maw Maw and Paw Paw and her aunt and uncle and cousins.

Dress her Paw Paw gave her before she was born

It was a great day as a family!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tempe at her first doctors appointment 6 months ago

We had Tempe's 6 month check up today.  She is 15 lbs 12 ozs and 26 inches long!  In the 50th percentile for everything and is right on track developmentally.  I am so proud!  She had her shots also and did great with those.  Only cried when they stuck her.  She can now start eating baby food twice a day.  I am really excited to start this!  Over all Dr. Wilson said she is happy and healthy!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

ABC...a bit about me! Saw this on many blogs......So I stole it!!

The ABCs of ME!
A. AGE: 26
B. BED SIZE: Queen
C. CHORE YOU HATE: Putting clothes away
D. DOG'S NAME: I am not a fan of dogs but Josh has Dixie which is a blue tick hound
H. HEIGHT: 5' 5"
I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: Clarnet and trombone
J. JOB TITLE: Maid, chef, accountant, nurse, teacher, most of all Mommy!
K. KIDS: Temperance Allyssa
L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Our wonderful home around famliy
M. MOM'S NAME: Lilian
O. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY: When I had my beautiful baby girl
P. PET PEEVES: People who think they are better than others and people who say one thing but do another
Q. QUOTE: Life isn't about waiting for the storm to stop, it's about learning to dance in the rain
S. SIBLINGS: Older brother
T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: 7:30 am
U. UNDERWEAR: Always! 
X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: Teeth, arm when I broke it, several of tummy for fertility
Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Pasta Salad, Chicken Ranch Cheese Ball, Different types of cakes

Tempe At Her First Grasshoppers Game
On May 14th I took Temperance and we went to our first Grasshoppers game!!! Lorelei threw the first pitch that night so it was a lot of fun. It was nice to get out with friends and family for a night in the ball park. We ate hot dogs, cotton candy, and popcorn. It was a wonderful night! Cant wait to go back.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I am just checking this out to see if my sig. shows up!!! Hope everyone is having a great day and I will be posting more tonight!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Christening dresses and recipes

Today was a busy day for us! Although there are no pictures, not that I didn't take any just ones that cant be shared just yet! Ha! We went with Maw maw to J.C. Penny to pick up Tempe's beautiful christening dress. I am so excited. This will be such a special day for us. We spent a long time praying for Miss. Temperance and God answered our prayers! I have decided to return to something I love, cooking. I am going to take on the task of cooking a new recipe once a week for a whole year. I am ready to introduce new foods into our lives! So if you have something good you fix comment it on here so we can try it! On a more serious note I would like to ask for some prayers for some special people. First, is a little girl that has is undergoing test for immune deficiency. Second is a family member that has been in the hospital in lots of pain and they know it is something with his colon and infection but they can not run more test until the infection is gone. Thank you for all of your prayers and please remember these and their family in yours.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day

Connie, Tempe, Me, Bernice It was a great first Mothers day. I have waited for this day for a long time. I got the sweetest card from Josh and Tempe and then flowers from church and Laken and Lorelei gave me a rose. Josh and Tempe gave me my necklace a few weeks early! We enjoyed the morning at church, lunch at KFC with my family at my mom's, and then supper with Josh's family at Mi Casa. I could not think of a better way to spend the day! Necklace from Josh and Tempe

Mrs. Leslie

Tempe playing "Balls in the Bowl" On May 5th Tempe and I started the Parents as Teachers progam. This program sends a teacher to your home once or twice a month to bring activity's and infomration to you. It is run through the school system and I am very happy that we are taking part of it. It is a good way to get new ideas and find out new information. They also have group meetings for you to attend where you meet other mom's and their children. It is good to have another adult that Tempe can interact with. This meeting was really just a get to know you meeting but Mrs. Leslie gave Tempe a book, me a bunch of interesting information and two activity's to do with Tempe. We are working on taking turns by each of us taking a turn playing with a toy and talking about how we are taking turns and how important it is. We are also working on cause and effect by Tempe dropping balls into a metal mixing bowl and hearing how when she drops it it makes a sound. She is doing really well with this already and loves to play it. We play it at least once a day! I cant wait until our next meeting to see what she has in store for us. Although I worked with preschoolers for a while it is nice to have someone to share new activties with me and information that I didn't have! Having so much fun!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Zoo Trip

Today was such a fun day!!! Daddy took his girls to the zoo! We got a late start because after fishing last night we didn't get up and get going until after 10am. We stopped and got chicken for lunch and then headed to Asheboro. When we got there we had a picnic lunch and went on in. Josh's got me the season pass so I can go when ever I want to this year. We walked to whole thing and saw all the animals. I'm not sure which was my favorite, I liked seeing all of them. I think Tempe enjoyed the Gorilla's most. They were right up next to the glass so we could see them really well. She just watched and watched them. After walking the zoo we went into the gift shop and she picked out a really cut baby elephant to take home with her. We stopped for milkshakes at Cook Out after leaving and then drove home. It was such a special day. Not just because we went to the zoo but because we got to spend the whole day as a family!