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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This morning Tempe and I went shopping with a friend and her daughter. We had so much fun! I bought a shirt and really cute hat! I just love hats. I dont know why I just do! Everyone tells me they look good on me so I guess I am good. Haha! Then we went and ate at one of my fav places Olive Garden. I love to get there soup, salad, breadsticks. Yummy! The rest of the day was spent with daddy. I relized tonight just how lucky and in love I really am as I was standing at the stove fixing eggs while the hubby made pancakes and Tempe played in the kitchen. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Toes in the water, tushie in the sand

Where oh where have I been?!?  At the beach that is where!!!  I don't like to post when or where we are on vacation until we get back so that is why I haven't been here for a whole week.  We had the best time taking Tempe on her first beach trip.  She LOVED it!!!  We played in the ocean, made sand castles, fished, shopped, and did all of the normal beach things.  This was one of the only times Josh and I have been to the beach for a whole week and I must say it was very nice.  We stayed in a sweet little house at the campground and cooked a few meals but mostly ate out and it was just nice.  Nice to be able to have time just us as a family.  We could have gotten Wi-Fi but would have paid extra or had to go to a common area and I just decided not to.  So we had perfectly relaxing time together, which is something we never get at home.  Those of you that know us know this is so true because of the way Josh works.  I feel like pictures can tell a story so instead of me telling you all about it lets let the pictures tell you what we did...

Family Portrait's


Fun in the sand and sun

At the Aquarium

We hope you enjoyed looking at just a few of our pictures!  We had so much fun and cant wait to go back!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Consignment Sale

This weekend our MOPS group is hosting their fall consignment sale.  This morning I went for a few hours and help set up.  With over 100 consignors we had a lot of good stuff!

And this wasn't all of it!!!

All of the girl clothes!!

Tonight I was able to go shop early because I volunteered to help.  I had my eye on one prize!  And got it!  :)  But am not going to share it with you just yet.  After I got it I went to the clothes and found Tempe a lot of new outfits she needs for this fall.  She has out grown almost everything.  I am so excited about what I got.
Here are a few outfits I got her!

And just a few more!
I got more things but am not going to post everything on here!  But I am very happy with what I got!  I just hope she can wear all of it.  Haha!! 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I have never thought of myself as a leader. I have always been a follower.  Done what everyone around be does.  This week I received an email from a lady in my MOPS group.  One of the mom's in the group had taken a full time job and would not be able to fulfill her duties as a small group leader within our large group.  She was asking if anyone would like to take the responsibilities on.  After talking with a friend and praying about it I emailed her and let her know that if she did not find someone else I would take it over.  I guess that is where God wants me because no one else replied!  LOL!  It is a job that I will enjoy doing and hopefully be good at.  It will take some time for me to get used to everything but I am looking forward to it. I will not be at our next meeting so today I made little gift bags for each of the ladies in my small group as a "welcome to our group".  It is just a little something but I think they turned out nice.  They are called Scripture Kits and here is a list of everything in them.

Scripture Kit

Toothpick: To remember to pick out the good in others. Matt. 7:1

Rubberband: To remember to be flexible. God has it under control. Romans 8:28

Band Aid: To remember to mend hurt feelings. Yours or someone else’s. Col. 3:12-14

Pencil and pad of paper: To remember to list your blessings daily .Eph 1:3

Butterfinger: Cause we all slip sometimes, and it's okay. Gen. 50:15-21

Gum: So you can stick to it. With God you can accomplish anything. Phil. 4:13

Button: To remember to button your lip when needed. 1 Peter 3:10

Lifesaver: To remember that the Lord is there to help. Psalm 46:1

Mint: To remind you that you are worth one. John 3:16-17

Snickers and Tissue: To remind us to be a light in someone else’s day. Matt. 5:14-16

Puzzle Piece: To remember that without God we are not complete. Prov. 14:20

Tea Bag: To remember to relax and go over that list of blessings. 1 Thess. 5:18

This is a picture of the contents of the bag!
 Of course this isn't the finished bag but a good idea. I am also going to add a business card with all of my info on it.  I hope they like them and pray that I do a good job at it. I really am super duper excited about it!  I already have ideas for play dates and things in my head!

On another note, I went to a gold party to night. Tori of Keepin up with the Jordans hosted it.  I wasn't going to go because I didn't have any gold that I really wanted to sell.  I don't have much but what I do have I would like to save for Tempe because of sentimental reasons.  But when my cousin called and said she made $500 I went and looked again!  I found two rings, a pair of earrings, and bracelet that I didn't mind selling if the price was right.  I went and when the lady told me she could give me over $250 for it I said take it!!! It was all things I had not worn in years and had no memory for me.  I was so excited!  Now I have some spending money.  Haha!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

thirty-one bags

A few weeks ago I ordered a thirty-one brand utility tote. If you are unfamiliar with thirty-one products they are great monogrammed bags. Check out their site at  My friend Shelli was the first to introduce me to thirty-one.  I received my second bag today and I am so excited about it.  The first time I ordered it was during the switch of their Summer catalog to their Fall catalog.  I had wanted this style bag for a while but was lucky enough to find a sneak peak of the new fabrics and they were going to start carrying this style in my favorite fabric so I had to wait a little longer for it.  My first bag I ordered was the lunch tote and have all ready used it several times.  It is so BIG!  I was so excited.  I like to carry a ton of snacks with me wherever I go so this is perfect.  And it is monogrammed with my name!  What could be better than than.  The second one and one I had to wait on is the utility tote.  It is fantastic!  It has handles to carry it with and is very large.  Perfect for the beach, car to carry grocery bags, park toys, anything really. It is also monogrammed but with our last name because it is more of a "family" bag (although I don't ever see Josh carrying it because it is in pink, LOL). I plan on my first time using it being our MOPS consignment sale this Thursday!  I hope to fill it with a bunch of things for Tempe!

Monday, September 13, 2010

There isnt much to tell for today. Just a normal day at home cleaning and playing. However, I am so proud with just a point in the right direction from a friend I was able to figure out how to blog from my phone! Yay! This is a pic of Tempe behind the couch! Silly girl. And the reason I wanted to figure this out. I am always taking pics with my phone but didnt know how to get them to my blog!
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bye bye

Today was a rainy day here.  We had big plans for the day of going to my home town for the Fall Street Festival and then to another town for a church fall festival.  But because of the rain we were not able to do either.  I know I am crazy because at times it was just a drizzle but she already has the sniffles.  So we played here at home until supper time then Tempe and I met her Aunt Hilary for dinner.  It was really nice.  We miss her so much sometimes.  Her and Josh's brother just got married this summer but I call her my sister!  They live over an hour away so it is hard to get to see them sometimes.  But we had fun playing with her tonight!!  I took a few pictures today but they were on my phone and I cant figure out how to get them on here without it taking an hour!!!  Lol!  Sorry!  I do however have some very exciting news....... Tempe can wave bye bye and clap!!!!!!  I am so proud of her.  She is growing up so fast.  I am not sad like a lot of mom's though.  I am excited.  I am ready to see what new things she will learn and do.  :)


Today was spent cleaning all of the dust from the tile remodel.  I spent all day in the kitchen.  I did take a little break this evening to go to an consignment sale at a local church.  I guess this is the first for the season!!  I love these things!!  This one is more clothes than anything.  I went to it last year too.  This year I came home with 3 outfits for Tempe!!   I had several that I had picked up but put some back.  I have decided that she only need several nice outfits that are true outfits than just this and that.  I LOVE what I got though. They are all for this winter.  That is something else I don't to is buy for more than the season coming up.  Too many times have I bought something and change my mind about it when the time comes.  Plus you never know what size she will be. That is unless something catches my eye that I feel like I will never be able to find again!!!

These are the outfits I got her!  All pink of course!  Haha!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I didn't get time to write about this yesterday because I now have a stove and refrigerator in my kitchen!!  YAY!!!

I have been lucky enough to become a member of a MOPS group.  MOPS stands for"mothers of preschoolers".  It is a international Christan based mothers group.  I was invited to come last year when Tempe was just a newborn but you know how it is with a newborn, you are lucky to get a shower every day!  Haha!!  I am acquaintance's with two of the ladies that are apart of the group.  So this year I said that I was going to commit to going and I even talked one of my friends into going with me.  We meet twice a month for meetings for devotionals, food, and fellowship.  The children go to their Moppets classroom where they also have prayer and devotion time and get to play.  We also have play dates twice a month and a mother's night out once a month.  We get involved and do things in the community.  I am just really excited about this.  I am one of the youngest in the group and Tempe is also.  I feel so welcomed and encouraged buy the ladies of the group. I think it is going to be great to have friends and mentors that  good christian moms that have been there and done that!  This is what I need at this point in my life and I truly feel that God lead one of these ladies to contact me and ask me several times to come because I can see great things happening with me and this group.

This year this is our logo and theme.  We are going to be discussing and learning about how mothering is both an art and science!!  I cant wait to see more of what is to come this year!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Da da, da da, da da.....

No, not Jaws!  Haha!  But yes a Shark.  A Shark steam mop that is.  I had my cousin go by Big Lots and pick me one up.  I had heard about them for about a year now and know a few people that have them.  I had thought about buying one but just couldn't see spending that much money on a mop.  I love to clean and love a clean house without all of the chemicals but goodness.  Big Lots had some re-manufactured ones for sale for over half off.  I figured with the new floors why not try it.  As I got it out of the box I though "really did I just spend this much on a mop"!  Haha!  I cleaned our bathroom tonight because that seems to be one of the only rooms not effected by the kitchen remodel.  I did all of my scrubbing like normal and vacuumed all of my hair off of the floor (I know now why you grow more while pregnant).  Then filled the tank!!!  I turned it on and within a few seconds I could see the steam starting to roll.  So I got to moppin'.  To my surprise it did a great job!  I had the hubby come and inspect the floor to see what he thought and he even thinks it looks cleaner.  This was on some of our old tile so I am sure it will do even better on the new.  Our old tile is so hard to clean.  But needless to say I will not be feeling like Cinderella anymore down on my hands and knees cleaning!!

Will not be me!!  Thanks to my Shark!  :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Temperance's First Birthday

As most of you know I am a huge party planner!!! I love to plan kids parties. I have been planning Tempe's first birthday since before she was born. It drives everyone crazy. Haha!! I had started out with just a "Tempe" themed party because every theme I found I wanted to wait to do later because there is so much you can do with them and I want her to be able to enjoy those parties when she is older. I had everything planned but her smash cake. I couldn't find anything I liked. I knew I wanted something 3D but didn't want a bear, duck, or anything like that. After thinking and searching for over a month I have decided to do an "Look Whooo's Had an Exciting Year" party with owls. It is something that is becoming popular so not everyone has done it yet but soon will. And there isn't a lot of games you can do with it so I don't feel like she will miss out on anything. I am still doing everything I had planned that is "Tempe" themed but they will just have cute little pictures of owls on it!! I have found a few pictures of things that I am using as inspiration that I thought I might share with you. I just hope everything turns out as nice as I vision it in my head!

Pinata from a cereal box!

Fabric is what I had already bought for her dress before the "owl" theme!

Little owls from balls I am thinking of making.

Smash Cake!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Operation Bowers Kitchen Remodel

When we bought our home we knew we were going to have to redo somethings to make our taste  Boy we did not know what we were getting into!  For three years or more the grout in our kitchen has been coming up.  The company said they had fixed it but did not.  When I found out I was pregnant I told Josh that it had to be redone before she started crawling.  We thought it was going to be a simple fix of replacing a few loose tiles and grout.  Now we are redoing the whole thing!  It was so hard for me to pick what I wanted too!  Hardwoods?  Tile?  Laminate wood?  Laminate tile?  So many choices!!!  I finally decided on tile again.  For many reasons but the number one being we would not have to replace anything but the kitchen for now.  I am glad I did!!!  Our house is a wreck!!!  Yesterday we were able to get all of the old tile up and started scraping the cement off the sub floor.  Which is why it was messed up to begin with.  You do not lay tile on sub floor!!!  And they did.  On sub floor that was not screwed down correctly.  Here are just a few pics of how we are living right now!!!

The dust!!!

Was once the dining room!