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Friday, January 14, 2011

Mother~Daughter Day

Today was such a fun day as mother/daughter.  The hubby had to work and it was our first time out since the snow just us girls.  We met a few of the ladies from my MOPS group for breakfast at Cracker Barrel this morning. It was so much fun!  I love having all of the ladies as a part of my life but it was nice to be just a few of us so that we could talk and really get to know one another.  We were there for two hours so I am sure they were ready to get rid of us!!!  Haha!!! (I took a pic but didn't like the way it came out)

Then we went and paid a bill, dropped off some goodies for friends, picked up a bow,

picked up a lunch bag for Tempe,

and when we got home as I was driving in the driveway I noticed something.......her new car seat had come!!!!  I am very much a stickler for car seat safety.  I would have left her in her rear facing Chicco forever if I could have.  Although it goes to 30 lbs, which she is no where near, she was getting too tall for it.  I asked a lot of moms and did a lot of research on car seats and decided to get a Britax.  As many of you know marriage is all about compromise and this was going to be one of those things.  Britax car seats can get to be very costly.  And my hubby had set a limit on how much he was willing to spend on a seat.  So I jumped online and did lots of searching.  I knew I was going to find it!  I went to the site that I had ordered her Chicco off of and I was in luck they were having a sale!!  I was able to save over $150 on her seat. 

Of course the first thing I did when I came in the house was run to the front door and bring the box in. 

One of the things I was worried about was the manufactured date of the seat.  Car seats are only good for 6 years.  And ordering from an online company I was so afraid that it would have been made over a year ago and I would loose that time.  I was very happy to see that it had just been made in May.

We installed her seat and off we went!  We went to supper with Poppy and Nanny and she got to ride in her seat.  She LOVED it!!!

Oh and just check out that cow print!!!  Don't you just love it!!!

I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend and I will be back to share something new with you on Monday! I can't wait!!!


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