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Friday, May 28, 2010

Baby Wise

I am always being asked how and why Tempe is such a good baby.  I would like to be able to say it is all because I was born to be a mother and it comes naturally to me but that isn't always the case.  I was lucky enough to have her doctor recommend the Baby Wise books to me and they are wonderful!!!  What is "baby wise"?  The first book focuses on an eat/wake/sleep schedule for a baby.  It encourages you to keep a structured environment for your infant.  But not so much so that you are letting them cry because it isn't 5:00pm on the dot and they cant eat until 5:00.  Tempe is on a 3 hour schedule of she wakes up and eats at 8:30am and then plays until between 10:00 and 10:30 then goes down for a nap until 11:30 and gets up and eats again.  She keeps this all day.  The good thing is that she knows what to expect and so do I.  As a new mom I found it hard for me to know if she was wet, hungry, sleepy or why else she was crying.  She rarely cries when put down for a nap and has slept for the whole night from the time she was around 2 months old.  The second book focuses on introducing foods and other things.  We have just started with this.  What I like about the books is that they focus on not just the baby but the family as a whole.  The importance of manners, prayers, and family time.  It states that your world doesn't center around the baby but the baby is a new addition to your world.  It talks about making sure mom and dad keep a relationship like they had before the baby in that they have time with each other and that the baby knows this and knows that that is mommy daddy time to talk to each other.  This is just the tip of the iceberg but I strongly recommend these books to anyone with young children.  Tempe is a baby wise baby and a great baby because of it!


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