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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tempe's First Food

March 22, 2010 Tempe got here first taste of food at supper! We said our prayer: Thank you for the food we eat Thank you for the world so sweet Thank you for the birds that sing Thank you God for everything! And then she ate her first bowl of rice cereal. She wasnt sure of it at first and it took a little whle but she must have liked it because she ate the whole bowl! I think she had a hard time knowing that the spoon didn't stay in her mouth the whole time like a bottle but she will learn. After she ate she sat at the table while mommy and daddy ate their supper, spaghetti. We are starting her out eatting at the table and staying there until we are all finished that way she will start with good manners and habits. We are also teaching her the sign for more, please, and thank you. She already knows the sign for milk and next we will work on finished and then mommy and daddy. This was just another of many first for her and a wonderful one. We are so excited to have her in our life and look forward to many more first. Because as long as there are first that means she is here with us finally!! Oh, and after eatting she slept for the whole night!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tempe's 4th Month

Tempe is four months old today! Wow how time flys. She went to the doctor today and has grown so much. She now weighs 11lbs and 13ozs. And is 24 inches long! Dr. Wilson was very happy. She did have to get shots though. That was hard, for us both. I dont think I have ever felt so helpless. We also took her four month/Easter pictures today. She is so pretty in her Easter dress and I cant wait to take her to the Easter egg hunt and sunrise service at church. Of course she has two different outfits! That girl has some clothes! I dont think I could ask for a better baby. She has her moments dont get me wrong. But, she sleeps through the night most nights and always puts herself to sleep in her bed in her room. She loves to play and loves to be held. And books, she LOVES books!! Right now we are just enjoying listening to her "talk" and smile. She smiles so big that she cant smile big enough. We cant wait to see what this month holds!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Wow!!! What a difference a few weeks make! Tempe is cooing, rolling, laughing, and trying to scoot so hard!!! She has really grown. She is getting little chunky monkey legs that both Josh and I love. She will be going to see Mickey and Minnie at Disney World in just a few weeks! Time is just flying by!!! We cant believe she has been here almost four months. It took such a long 5 years to get her and now that she is here it is flying by. I have been lucky to become a stay at home mommy. It was never in our plans for me to do this. Josh and I always thought I would work. I like to work. But once she came it was so hard to leave. I am loving it too. I get to spend so much more time with her and Josh. I cant imagine life working now. We are back into church full time also. We are back at Josh's childhood church where we got married. We tried a few other churches and just didnt feel welcome there like we do at Shiloh. They even came and brought Tempe a blanket after she was born! We will be having her Christened soon so keep a check on the date and time. Life is wonderful and God is good!!!!